The Ultimate Digital Numismatics With the ERC-404

Collect. Trade. Prosper. Repeat.
Collect Trade Prosper Repeat Collect Trade Prosper Repeat
Collect Trade Prosper Repeat Collect Trade Prosper Repeat

In the groundbreaking era of Coinage, we blend the timeless practice of numismatics with the forefront of blockchain innovation. Each transaction within Coinage doesn’t just exchange value; it mints a new NFT, uniquely designed with a coin pattern, marking every trade with a piece of digital numismatic art. By leveraging ERC-404, we transform every transaction into a moment of history, immortalizing it as a collectible digital coin on the blockchain. This innovation elevates the act of collecting, allowing enthusiasts to hold and trade pieces of history and artistry, each encapsulated within its own NFT coin.


Imagine a world where every exchange of value brings to life a new digital artifact — a coin-designed NFT. With Coinage, this is our reality. Every transaction on our platform does more than transfer funds; it crafts a unique, coin-patterned NFT, adding a tangible piece of history to your collection. From the lost treasures of Atlantis to the first cryptocurrency pizza purchaseeach coin tells a story, forever preserved in the digital ledger of time.

Total Supply: 10,000 COINAGE Tokens
0 %
All minted and circulated
Phase 1

Minting Madness

Design First Coin Series
Launch Coinage Platform
Establish Collector's Guild

Phase 2

Expansion Epoch

Partner with Historical Sites
Introduce Rare Coin Drops
Expand Trading Features

Phase 3

Numismatic Nirvana

Global Collector's Meetup
Launch VR Coin Gallery
Decentralize Coin Governance

How to Buy

Create a Wallet

Set up MetaMask or any ERC-compatible wallet.

Get Some ETH

Purchase Ethereum through your wallet or an exchange. You'll need it to trade for Coinage.

Go to Uniswap

Navigate your browser to Uniswap, the realm where tokens swap destinies.


Select $COINAGE from the token list, enter the amount of ETH you're willing to part with, and make the swap. Voilà, you're now a proud holder of $COINAGE, ready to delve into the world of digital numismatics.

Join our vibrant community of modern-day numismatists, blockchain enthusiasts, and history buffs. Participate in discussions, share your coin collections, and get exclusive sneak peeks at upcoming coin drops. Together, we're not just collecting coins; we're making history. Follow us on Twitter,and subscribe to our newsletter for the latest updates, tips, and community events. Let's mint our legacy, one coin at a time.

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